Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Project

Aagaard, Knut-UW, "Bering Strait: A Vital and Variable Forcing of the Western Arctic Shelves, Slopes, and

Aagaard, Knut-UW, and Weingartner, Tom-UAF, "A Synthesis of Oceanic Time Series from the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas and the Arctic Ocean, With Application to Shelf-Basin Interactions"

Chapman, David-WHOI and Gawarkiewicz, Glen-WHOI, "Modeling the Formation and Offshore Transport of
Dense Shelf Water from High-latitude Coastal Polynyas"

Cota, Glenn-ODU and Pomeroy, Larry-UGA, "Arctic Shelf and Basin Productivity"

Darby, Dennis-ODU, Bishoff, Jens-ODU, de Vernale, Anne (U. Quebec at Montreal), Dwyer, Gary-Duke Univ.,
Hilliare-Marcel, Claude (U. Quebec at Montreal), McManus, James-OSU, Polyak, Leonid-Ohio State, and
Poore, Richard-USGS, "Collaborative Research: Paleoceanographic Records of Western Arctic Shelf-Basin

Dunton, Ken-UTX, Maidment, David-UTX, and Grebmeier, Jackie-UTN, "Benthic Community Structure and
Biomass in the Western Arctic: Linkage to Biological and Physical Processes"

Falkner, Kelly-OSU, "Tracer Based Examination of Halocline and Fresh Water Exchange in the Western Arctic"

Grebmeier, Jackie-UTN and Whitledge, Terry-UAF, "SBI Phase I Project Office Management"

Harvey, Roger-UMD, "Molecular/Isotopic Tracer of Production"

Kadko, David-U Miami and Stephens, Mark-U Miami, "Investigation of the Rate of Shelf-Basin Interactions in
the Western Arctic Ocean Using Radium Isotopes"

Maslowski, Wieslaw-NPS and Garwood, Roland-NPS, "Physical Modeling of the Arctic Marine Response to
Global Change"

Plueddman, Albert-WHOI, "Eddies in the Beaufort Gyre"

Skoog, Annelie- UCT, "Molecular Methods for Carbon Cycling"

Smith, Sharon-U Miami, "Advection and Food Webs in the Western Arctic: Retrospective Sample and Data
Analysis and Modelling"

Stamnes, Knut-UAF and Chen, Bingquam-UAF, "Light and Life in the Western Arctic Ocean: A Contribution to
the Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Program"

Wheeler, Patricia-OSU and Spitz, Yvette-OSU, "Configuration of an Ecosystem Model for the Chukchi Sea
using Data from 1994-1996"

Whitehead, John-WHOI, "Laboratory Studies of Density Increase on Shelves"

Weingartner, Tom-UAF, "Circulation and Thermohaline Structure Along the Chukchi-Beaufort Continental