Carin J. Ashjian and Scott M. Gallager (Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution) and Mark C. Benfield (Louisiana State
Title: Shelf-Basin Exchange of Plankton and Biogenic Material between the
Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
Transfer of organic material and organisms from Arctic shelves to the
deep Arctic basin may impact significantly the biogeochemical characteristics,
and ecosystem function and structure, of both Arctic basin and the Arctic shelf
ecosystems. However, the physical and biological processes influencing both the
distribution of organisms and biological material on the Arctic shelves and the
potential input of these materials into the Arctic Ocean and basin presently are
poorly understood. It is critical to increase our understanding of the
biological-physical coupling in the shelf-slope region in order to better
predict the potential impact of large-scale changes in climate on the Arctic
Multiple physical
processes along the shelf break may promote the transfer of water and biogenic
material between the shelf and the basin. These include mesoscale processes such
as wind-forced upwelling/downwelling, bottom boundary layer secondary
circulations, instability and eddy formation, and canyon exchange flows. Smaller
scale processes include interleaving of water masses at the conjunction of
opposing currents and internal waves. To date, little work has been done
relating the influence of these processes on biological distributions and the
potential cross-shelf transport of organic material in the Arctic
We hypothesize that
transport of biogenic material and organisms between the two regions by
mesoscale processes is a dominant mode of exchange between shelf and basin. This
cannot be verified through the study of physics alone; we must describe and
explain what is found in the advecting water. For zooplankton, physical
processes and features interact with biological processes, such as behavior, to
produce the observed abundances and distributions. Plankton may congregate in
fine-scale vertical layers which are associated with physical features and
transports but which may not be observed using plankton nets. We propose to
describe the role of mesoscale physical processes in the exchange or transport
of biogenic material and plankton populations between the Chukchi Shelf and
neighboring Beaufort Sea as part of the Shelf Basin Interactions Phase II field
program (SBI). The proposed work has two distinct yet interrelated components.
For the first component, we propose to describe the abundance, fine-scale
vertical distribution, taxonomic and size composition of plankton and particles
and aspects of behavior (e.g., orientation) of plankton across the SBI study
region, encompassing shelf, basin, and transition regions, during the 2002 and
2004 process cruises using a self-contained Video Plankton Recorder mounted on
the CTD rosette during all CTD casts. In the second component, we propose to
describe the abundance of zooplankton on the outer shelf and upper slope and in
mesoscale physical features that exchange water and biogenic materials between
the two regions over two annual cycles using the absolute backscatter intensity
data from an array of moored calibrated acoustic Doppler current
John Christensen
(Bigelow Laboratory) and Humfrey Melling (Institute of Ocean Sciences/DFO,
Nutrient Structures in the Northern Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in Several Seasons
This study will
examine the late winter (March-April) hydrographic, nutrient, and tracer
distributions in the northeastern Chukchi Sea and western Beaufort Sea. Full
sea-surface to sea-floor profiles of T,S, nutrients, O-18 H2O, and other
possible tracers will be collected along transect lines sampled from
helicopters. Three possible transect lines include one traveling due west from
Point Barrow to about 165 deg. W, one perpendicular to the shelf-slope break at
161 deg. W, and one extending east from Point Barrow and crossing the
shelf-slope break at 151 deg. W. The shelf portions of these transects will tell
what water types occur at various depths on the shelf. The cross-shelf portions
will capture the boundary currents and the halocline waters, telling about their
composition. The results will help define the strength of winter water exchange
across the shelf slope region and will allow estimates of the magnitude of the
spring bloom.
The original
proposal also included placing chemical and/or photochemical nutrient sensors on
the current meter moorings along the shelf-slope break. Although eliminated by
the panel, these moorings would help define the seasonal changes in nutrient
composition of waters at the mooring depths (> 40 m to avoid ice keels) and
would help to define the seasonal changes in nutrients in the SBI
Christensen (Bigelow Laboratory) and Al Devol (University of
Collaborative Proposal: Denitrification and Sediment Nutrient Dynamics in
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
This study will focus on a detailed study of denitrification and
sedimentary nutrient dynamics in the Chukchi and Beaufort shelf-slope area. The
study will include benthic flux measurements of dissolved oxygen, N2, carbon
dioxide, nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, silicate, Ca+2, DON, and DOP. These
fluxes will be determined both by in situ benthic flux chambers and on-deck core
incubations. In addition, bottom water irrigation will be evaluated by radon
measurements, by conservative tracer influxes, and by modeling dissolved
silicate profiles. We will also measure downcore pore-water profiles of the
solutes listed above and of radon (its porewater and equilibrium
concentrations), Mn+2, and Fe+2. By using carbon oxidation rate as a proxy for
the rain rate to the sediments we will model the response of denitrification to
the various controlling drivers, rain rate, bioirrigation, dissolved oxygen, and
bottom water nitrate. Our goal is a predictive understanding of the dynamics of
denitrification and sediment nutrient regeneration and how they might be altered
in response to Arctic change.
Richard Dirks and James Moore (Joint Office for Scientific Support,
JOSS), UCAR, Boulder, CO)
Data Management Support for Western Arctic SBI Phase
Tasks included in
the revised JOSS Work Plan as directed by the NSF:
· Preparation and
implementation of an SBI data management strategy, including follow-up data
questionnaire, preparation of a SBI Data Management Plan and information
exchange on data format and documentation guidelines.
· Interim data
archival services for SBI Phase 2 datasets, including rapid turn around and
availability following receipt using the JOSS data management system, interim
data archive access and support for the full duration of SBI, Phase 2,
assistance with dataset and documentation submission, perusal and access using
the JOSS data management system and coordination with ADCC regarding transfer
for SBI datasets.
· Implementation of the JOSS on-line field data
products and documentation catalog aboard a single research ship (presumably the
USGS Healy) used during the planned multi-year cruises of SBI. This also
includes training aboard ship for care and use of the system, submission of
products and use of on-line forms.
Collection of "basic" operationally
available datasets to be specified by the investigators and could include
regional surface data, soundings, model grids and other map products. These
data/products will be archived at JOSS.
Rolf Gradinger and Hajo Eicken (University of
Alaska Fairbanks)
Physical-Biological Control of Primary Production in Beaufort and Chukchi
Sea Ice: Its Contribution to Shelf-Basin Interactions in the Western
Arctic shelves
in general are highly productive seas, sustaining high biomass of pelagic and
benthic biota. The seasonal sea ice cover plays a key role not only as a habitat
but also in struc-turing physical and biological processes in these
high-latitude systems. Reduction in sea ice extent is one of the major
anticipated consequences of climate change in the Arctic. Arctic marine systems
are challenged by a large-scale warming trend and a substantial loss of ice
extent recorded over the past decades. The regional focus of the Shelf-Basin
Interac-tions (SBI) program offers a unique opportunity to study the linkages
between physical, chemical and biological oceanography in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas in order to predict the impact of climate variability and change.
This interdisciplinary
proposal aims to quantify the sea ice primary production in the Chukchi and
Beaufort Seas. The main working hypotheses are that both light and nutrient
supply control the magnitude of biomass formation within the sea ice. While
irradiance controls the rate of biomass changes in spring and autumn, nutrient
advection is dominant during summer as melt water accumulation below the sea ice
impedes nutrient supply and hence controls the total integrated biomass build-up
in the ice cover. To verify these hypotheses we combine field studies,
experimental work, and remote sensing efforts. Through this comprehensive
approach we anticipate to quantify the ice-related biogeochemical processes and
supply an estimate of carbon production and release from the seasonally varying
ice cover. During two ship expeditions (May – August) an extensive data set of
physical, chemical and biological parameters will be obtained at sampling
locations comprising the pre-vailing ice types. Ice thickness and morphology
will be determined with an indirect measurement technique along transects of
several hundreds to thousands of meters in length. Profiles of salin-ity,
temperature, stable isotope concentrations, algal pigments and species
composition will be determined over the entire ice thickness based on ice cores.
Primary production will be deter-mined by optical and tracer techniques. Our
experimental work aims to elucidate the relationships between ice physics,
chemistry and algal activity, to extend our estimates to early spring and late
summer, when ship-based sampling is difficult. This proposal contributes to the
overall aims of SBI in assessing the contribution of ice-associated primary
production and biomass build-up and release from the ice to the total carbon
flow in the system. It will help in understanding and quantifying the response
of ice-algal communities to climate variability and change, and in par-ticular
how this impacts the overall system. The work also ties into the pelagic and
benthic stud-ies carried out within the framework of SBI, as key physical,
chemical and biological ice charac-teristics will be determined, allowing, e.g.,
to trace the fate of sea ice production in the pelagic and benthic
Grebmeier and Lee Cooper (University of Tennessee), Glenn Cota (Old Dominion
University), Ken Dunton (University of Texas at Austin/PortAransas), Dave
Kirchman (University of Delaware), Wieslaw Maslowski (Naval Postgraduate
School), Bradley Moran (University of Rhode Island), John J. Walsh (University
of South Florida)
Research: Carbon Cycling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas-Field and Modeling
The Western
Arctic is profoundly influenced by the northward flux (~0.8 Sv) of nutrient and
organic-rich, low salinity Pacific Ocean water that enters the basin through the
Bering Strait and across the Chukchi shelf and slope. This flow, a key component
of the global ocean circulation, transports freshwater from the Pacific to the
Atlantic via the Arctic Ocean while also sustaining some of the most productive
ecosystems in the world, the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Net transport, sea ice
cover and sea surface temperatures are well known to vary greatly over seasonal
and interannual time scales, but the experimental, observational, and modeling
bases to evaluate the response of Arctic ecosystems to these changes, and to
global change in general, are largely lacking.
Our proposed interdisciplinary project will
provide the observational and theoretical framework to evaluate carbon fluxes in
the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in response to variable environmental forcing.
A main goal of this project is to
determine the impact of decadal-scale environmental regime shifts in the
northern high latitudes on carbon cycling in the western Arctic
Ocean. We will examine carbon import from the Bering Sea,
local production and transformation, and export from the Chukchi and Beaufort
shelves to the basin. This project will
focus on understanding the influence of physical and biological processes on
fluxes of carbon and other key elements (e.g. N, O, Si) in the water column and
benthos of the shelves and slope, and subsequent exchange with the basin. Our
specific research topics include work in the pelagic zone (production,
respiration, other rate processes, standing stocks), the benthos (respiration,
sediment composition, nutrient fluxes, standing stocks), and particle and water
mass export as measured with tracers (e.g. 234Th, 7Be, 210Pb, 18O, 13C). Coupled
bio-physical models will be used to help organize and evaluate observational
programs, to identify gaps, important transports and dominant elemental fluxes,
and to examine responses of the Arctic ecosystem to global change. To better
understand the mechanisms responsible for regional differences in shelf-basin
exchange, we will compare the Chukchi (a wide, strongly marine-forced,
continental shelf/slope) and Beaufort (narrow, riverine-influenced) seas. This
project has been integrated with other research programs and related resources,
which are important to our success and that of the entire SBI program. The
ultimate goal of this study is to obtain a more complete understanding of
shelf-basin exchange processes and biogeochemical cycles, and to establish
benchmarks useful for assessing future global change of this sentinel
Dennis Hansell (University of Miami,
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science) and Nick Bates (Bemuda
Biological Station)
Collaborative Research:
Transport and Transformations of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Western Arctic
Ocean: A Contribution to the SBI Project
The Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI)
project focuses on shelf, shelf break and upper-slope water mass and ecosystem
modifications, material fluxes and biogeochemical cycles. The geographical focus
is on the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas and adjacent upper slopes, with the aim of
generalization of the results into Pan Arctic and global models. The overarching
goal of the SBI project is to understand the physical and biogeochemical
processes that link the Arctic shelves, slopes, and deep basins. Relevant to
this proposal, the SBI project will focus on a) biogeochemical modifications of
Pacific water over the Beaufort and Chukchi shelf and slope regions, with
emphasis on carbon and nitrogen; and b) comparative analysis of the findings
over the broad Chukchi shelf and narrow Beaufort shelf and adjacent slopes to
facilitate integration of the Western Arctic into a Pan-Arctic
We will support
the goals of SBI by evaluating the processes of carbon and nitrogen transport,
exchanges and transformations in the regions of interest. Our specific interests
will be: a) determination of mass transport and fate of carbon and nitrogen
associated with the volume transports calculated by SBI collaborators; b)
interpretation of carbon and nitrogen spatial distributions and temporal
variability relative to biological and physical conditions; c) evaluation of
partitioning of organic matter between dissolved and particulate phases; d)
determination of net community production and it's fate as DOM, suspended POM,
and sinking POM; e) determination of C:N stoichiometry as a complement to
biological studies, particularly in relation to community structure and seasonal
progression of intense phytoplankton blooms in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas;
and f) evaluation of the contribution of DOM vs. POM to apparent oxygen
utilization (AOU) development in the Arctic halocline and export from the
We will measure the
full suite of carbon and nitrogen variables in survey mode. These include
dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), as well as
dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), a required
variable, will be measured by the Category 2 hydrographic team contracted by
SBI. We will also measure alkalinity to aid in identification of water masses.
DOC, DIC, total alkalinity, and seawater pCO2 will be determined at sea. DON,
PON, and POC will be analyzed at our shore labs. We require that 4 individuals
from our groups (2 for organic variables and 2 for inorganic variables) join
each of two 6-week process cruises each summer (2002 and 2004). Synthesis of
data will progress throughout the five year project, culminating in the
overarching final year synthesis. We anticipate ongoing synthesis and modeling
collaborations with other funded SBI groups, including the physical
oceanographic and tracer groups, the service groups and biological studies
Rodger Harvey
(University of Maryland) and Ron Benner (University of South
Collaborative Research: Biogeochemical Cycling of Particulate and
Dissolved Organic Matter in the Arctic Ocean using Molecular
We will
investigate marine and terrestrial molecular organic markers in particulate
material DOM and surface sediments, its transformation in the water column and
sediments, and transport across the shelf-basin boundary. We will analyse 60
samples per cruise to include POC/PN, fatty acids, sterols, alcohols,,
alkanes/alkenes, hopanes (bacterial), triterpenes (higher plant markers),
neutral sugars and amino sugars. In addition we will include total protein &
amino acids for all particulate samples. A companion set of samples (60) will be
collected for DOM characterization. These samples will be analyzed for DOC,
neutral sugars, amino sugars, amino acids, and lignin-derived phenols. This
sample number can be partitioned between survey and experimental work as needed.
Our sediment samples are being used for two purposes. The first will be to
examine molecular organic markers in upper sediment layers as an integrator of
organic fluxes which we will compare with water column samples. This will
provide information on both he preservation of organic matter, its processing in
surface sediments and variability in the types of organic matter reaching
underlying sediments. The second will be the examination of redox-sensitive
elements with increasing sediment depth to test the hypothesis that sediments in
some areas may have experienced episodic inputs of labile organic matter which
are not be reflected in total organic carbon values. Two set of measures
requires two cores.
David Kadko (University of Miami,
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science)
Proposal Title: Investigation
of the Rate of Shelf-Basin Interaction in the Western Arctic Ocean Using Radium
Isotopes: SBI PHASE II
The largely landlocked
Arctic Ocean receives input from the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and from rivers
draining the surrounding continents. These inflows are important sources of
salt, heat, nutrients, sediment and organisms to the central basin. With the
exception of a portion of the Atlantic contribution, these inputs must cross
continental shelves where they are significantly modified by benthic, water
column, air/sea and sea/ice interactions. There are therefore significant
biogeochemical exchanges between the shelves and basins, but we currently lack
the information necessary to quantify these exchanges. To address this issue, as
part of the Western Shelf-Basin Interaction (SBI) PHASE II program, we will
apply an isotopic tracer technique for elucidating the pathways and rate of
exchange between the Arctic shelves and the Arctic Ocean interior. The technique
utilizes the measurement of the water column ratio of two naturally occurring
radium isotopes 228Ra/226Ra. Because 228Ra (T1/2 = 5.77 y) is derived solely
through input from shelf sediments, it is an unambiguous marker of shelf water.
Its relative distribution in shelf and basin water is therefore very valuable in
assessing the degree of shelf-basin interaction. This technique is mature,
having been utilized in shelf-basin exchange investigations elsewhere, and pilot
results from SBI PHASE I have clearly indicated this tracer's utility in the
western Arctic Ocean study. Tracer data collected by ship transects during the
field program will be analyzed within the context of modeling studies by other
investigators that are aimed at understanding offshore transport, including the
role and formation of eddies in this process. Where appropriate, the short-lived
224Ra (T1/2= 3.64d) will be measured at sea to supplement our data set. Radium
tracer data will also be collected autonomously from floating drifters (if
available) and moored arrays (if suitable moored instrumentation is made
available in SBI) that are designed to study the role of eddies in the western
Arctic shelf-basin interaction and time-variability of shelf
Pickart, Principal Investigator (Woods Hole Oceanographic
Dynamics of Exchange in the Beaufort Sea Boundary Current System:
Implications for Interior Ventilation
· To quantify the mean and
seasonally varying transport, structure, and water mass content of the boundary
current system downstream of the Chukchi Sea outflow points.
· To determine the
nature and cause of the mesoscale variability of the boundary current, and
assess the impact of the variability on the cross-stream exchange of mass and
· To identify the dynamics of the secondary
· To elucidate the source of the interior eddies by
comparing the seasonally changing boundary current water to the characteristics
of the observed mid-basin eddy field.
We will deploy six moorings across the Beaufort shelfbreak and upper
slope, approximately 150 km east of Barrow Canyon. These will be serviced
annually during the mooring cruises. Each mooring consists of a bottom-mounted
upward-looking ADCP, and a profiling CTD. This will provide vertical profiles of
velocity (once per hour) and temperature/salinity (four times
Barry Sherr
and Ev Sherr, (Oregon State University) and Carin Ashjian and Robert Campbell
(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Collaborative Research: Mesozooplankton-Microbial
Food Web Interactions in the Arctic Ocean
A central goal of the Shelf-Basin Interactions
(SBI) program is to understand the processes affecting carbon transformations
and fluxes within and between Arctic shelf and basin ecosystems, and how climate
change might impact these processes. The cycling of carbon in Arctic shelf and
basin habitats depends on the structure and functioning of the food webs of
these regions. In the pelagial, both micro- and meso- zooplankton are
significant consumers of primary production. The partitioning of primary
production between the fractions remaining in the water column or sedimenting to
the benthos (where organic matter is less available for export from the shelf)
can be greatly affected by the relative grazing rates of microzooplankton versus
mesozooplankton herbivores. Microzooplankton grazing dampens export flux, while
mesozooplankton grazing enhances it. The primary focus of our proposed
collaborative project is an analysis of the impact of microzooplankton and
mesozooplankton grazers on the fluxes and exchanges of carbon within the oceanic
waters of the Canada Basin and the shelf waters of the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas. We
will use standard methods and experimental protocols to determine the standing
stocks and size structures of microzooplankton, phytoplankton, and
mesozooplankton assemblages, to measure growth (microzooplankton) and
reproduction (mesozooplankton) rates, to measure grazing rates of heterotrophic
protists and dominant mesozooplankton in the two regions, and to identify
mesozooplankton that are sentinel species of Arctic change. Our collaborative
study will explicitly address trophic linkages previously unexplored in this
region of the Arctic. We hypothesize that changing ecosystem structure, such as
might occur during climate change, will alter the role of these trophic
interactions in the utilization and cycling of carbon in arctic shelves and
basin systems.
We propose
participation in the four process cruises of the SBI Phase II program. The
planned cruise schedules of May-June and July-August will permit us to work in
contrasting scenarios of ice cover, and importance of ice algae versus
phytoplankton in primary production, during early summer compared to late
summer. Since we plan a comparison of the phytoplankton – microzooplankton –
mesozooplankton trophic coupling in shelf versus basin systems, we will carry
out a full set of analyses (standing stock determinations and rate measurements)
at a number of stations in both basin and shelf regions of the SBI-II study
area. Abundances and rate measures will be combined to determine relative
mesozooplankton and microzooplankton grazing impacts. The research proposed here addresses major objectives of the SBI-II
program: 'Assessment of relative importance of top-down as compared to bottom-up
controls over pelagic-benthic coupling and carbon partitioning among different
trophic levels' and 'Assessment of food web changes consequent to the impacts of
changing ice cover and hydrographic parameters on biogeochemical fluxes.' This
project will provide rate measurements for microzooplankton and mesozooplankton
grazing and reproduction, parameters that were identified as high priority for
the seasonal process cruises in the SBI Phase II Implementation Plan. We will
fully collaborate with, and make our data available to, other SBI investigators.
Sharon Smith (University of Miami,
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science)
Shelf-Basin Exchange of
Large-Bodied Zooplankton [Copepods] in the Chukchi and Beaufort
Physical forcing
in the North Pacific/Western Arctic region exhibits abrupt regime shifts in
which several decades (~25-35 years) of relatively cold, icy (2% above average)
conditions are replaced in the span of a year or two by decades of warmer, less
icy (3% below average) conditions; these cycles of climate in the region can be
traced back at least to the late 1700s. The response of the Chukchi/Beaufort
shelf ecosystem to warmer climate could follow two quite different pathways. In
one scenario, warm periods would reduce ice cover and could create stronger
thermal stratification, less mixing, limited nutrient supply, lower primary
production, smaller-sized phytoplankton and smaller, coastal-like zooplankton.
In a second scenario, also during warm periods with less ice, increased wind
could result in shelf-break upwelling and mixing, enhanced nutrient supply,
larger-sized phytoplankton and larger, deep-water zooplankton advected onto the
shelf. Will global change, particularly warming, result in more large-sized
zooplankton which support fish, birds, and mammals over the Chukchi and Beaufort
shelves and slopes or smaller-sized zooplankton which will diminish the fish,
birds, and mammals and favor sedentary benthic organisms?
Large-bodied copepods on the Chukchi and Beaufort
shelves must be advected there from the slope waters of the Arctic Ocean or
Bering Sea; none of them can complete their life cycles on the shelf itself.
Therefore, they are tracers of shelf-basin exchanges. We seek to understand
which large-bodied copepods reach the Chukchi (wide) and Beaufort (narrow)
shelves, and the physical forcing (upwelling, intrusions, eddies) that might be
responsible. Once on the shelves, how do size and reproductive responses of
large copepods vary spatially, and what are the roles of physical processes and
food supply? These responses define the robustness of the shelf habitat for
supporting a pelagic ecosystem. Finally, we wish to determine which copepods are
transported off the shelves and the physical processes (eddies, plumes)
associated with that. Our investigation will: 1) define the distributions of the
major taxa of zooplankton on the shelf, slope and in the open Arctic Ocean in
summer, 2) measure copepod body and lipid sac sizes in different habitats, 3)
measure female reproductive state, rates of egg production and egg hatching in
different habitats, 4) describe the distribution of copepod nauplii and
subadults in the region with the aid of molecular identification techniques, and
5) integrate these ecosystem measurements with the physical forcing (both
observations and models) to understand how advection shapes the food web in the
James Swift
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Lou Codispoti (University of
Maryland/UMCES), Charles Flagg (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Terry Whitledge
and Dean Stockwell (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Laurence Padman (ESRI), and
Andreas Munchow (University of Delaware)
Collaborative Research: CTD/Hydrographic and
Underway Service Measurements for the Shelf-Basin Interactions Phase II Field
The 3 year SBI
Phase II field program will undertake ship operations in 2002-2004 using the
USCGC Healy in 2002 and 2004 and USCG polar class vessels or equivalent, in
2003. This proposal address what National Science Foundation Solicitation 01-78
defines as service measurements on eight cruises during 2002-2005, and includes
all service measurements defined in Solicitation 01-78, including CTD-based
temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, transmissivity,
fluorescence and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); rosette sample data
to include inorganic nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate and
ammonia), chlorophyll-a, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations; and
underway measurements including (sea chest) temperature and salinity, standard
meteorological observations, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (velocity and
backscatter) on service measurement cruises from vessels which are equipped with
ADCP, and various underway measurements made by SBI-designated science
This is a
collaborative proposal representing US scientific and technical service support
groups from the UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Swift), Earth &
Space Research (Padman), the University of Delaware (Muenchow), and University
of Alaska, Fairbanks (Stockwell). Services from the University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science (Codispoti) and from Brookhaven National
Laboratory (Flagg) are contained in subcontracts to the UCSD/SIO proposal. The
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography leads on the overall collaborative
proposal and proposes to lead and coordinate the CTD/hydrographic and non-ADCP
underway portion of the service measurements, with PI James H. Swift overall
responsible for the service measurement program, except for the shipboard ADCP
service measurements and Chl-a measurements. Shipboard technical support groups
from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (chemistry), the University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science (chemistry), the University of Washington
(SeaBird CTD and chemistry), Oregon State University (chemistry), Texas A&M
University (chemistry), and University of South Florida (chemistry) have
indicated to Swift a strong interest in joint participation at sea, which Swift
will handle via subcontracts from UCSD/SIO for specific personnel services on
specific cruises to be determined after overall consideration of the actual cruise schedules for
SBI as well as for other US programs concurrent with SBI which may require
high-quality routine chemistry. Earth & Space Research, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, and the University of Delaware will be jointly responsible for
underway shipboard ADCP service measurement. The University of Alaska,
Fairbanks, is responsible for the Chl-a/pigment analyses. The University of
Maryland Center for Environmental Science (Dr. Louis Codispoti) is working with
Swift in the oversight of the sea program, data quality examination, and data
All service
measurement participants are committed to support a data management plan that
fully meets SBI and Solicitation 01-78 specifications. All reportable data
resulting from the work proposed here will be available at sea to all SBI
investigators in scientifically useful form and will be placed on-line at a site
linked to the UCAR Joint Office for Science Support (JOSS) and/or delivered to
JOSS (or other designated official data repository for the SBI Phase II Field
Program) via express service shortly after the conclusion of each cruise. Data
will be reported in preliminary, interim, and final form as appropriate, and
with schedule, form, and format in accord with applicable NSF, ARCSS/OAII, and
SBI Project guidelines and requirements.
Tom Weingartner (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
and Knut Aagaard and Rebecca Woodgate (University of
Collaborative Research: The Fate of a Large and Strongly Forced Arctic
Shelf Outflow: Physical and Biochemical Process
1. To
quantify the characteristics of the shelf outflow from the Chukchi Sea (e.g.,
transport, temperature, salinity), and to determine which upstream processes are
principally responsible for the variability of these
2. To
quantify the variability of the system on seasonal and interannual timescales,
and to assess what might be the connections with a changing
3. To provide the
temporal context of the Chukchi shelf water properties and flows useful to other
SBI investigators who are addressing the regional biochemical and physical
We will deploy four
current meter moorings on the Chukchi continental shelf, with the moorings
serviced annually during the mooring cruises. Each mooring will measure vertical
profiles of horizontal velocity at hourly intervals using ADCPs. The moorings
will also include 1 to 2 SeaCats or MicroCats, which will collect temperature,
conductivity (for salinity), and in some cases pressure data. All instruments
will sample at hourly intervals.
The mooring locations are: a) 1 mooring in upper Barrow Canyon (~ 80 m isobath), b) 1 mooring on the central shelf east of Herald
Shoal (~ 50 m isobath), c) 2
moorings on the outer Chukchi shelf east of the EEZ boundary one on the ~70 m
isobath and the other on the ~100 m isobath.