Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Project

USCGC HEALY logistics in SBI 2002


Departing Seattle:
Cargo is to be shipped to the USCG in Seattle as follows and received by LTJG Mike Woodrum.

•Shipping address:
SBI Project
Name of PI
c/o Commanding Officer
Attn: LTJG Woodrum
14 S. Massachusetts Street
Seattle, WA 98134

Cargo units to be labeled with SBI Project, PI name and item number "X OF Y"

•Point of Contact:
LTJG Michael Woodrum, (206) 217-6300

•The window for cargo to arrive Seattle will be
a) 1-20 April for cargo that can be loaded into the ships cargo hold
b) 1-15 April for cargo that will be installed prior to the ship departing and 15-20 April is the time window that the PI will have the opportunity to install equipment onboard.

•When the cargo is underway to Seattle, the shipper (PI) will notify LTJG Woodrum with the following:

-ETA Seattle
-Description of cargo. i.e. number of pieces, total weight, and information on awkward pieces and special handling requirements like "can be loaded" or "hold for pre sailing installation"

•The shipper (PI) must advise the freight forwarder (trucker) to call LTJG Woodrum the day before the expected delivery to coordinate security, gate procedures, forklift support etc.

•LTJG Woodrum will notify the shipper (PI) when cargo has been received.

•LTJG Woodrum will contact APL/UW when cargo handling help is needed. Sue Huney will be his contact for this
206 543-1261

Returning Seattle:
Upon return of the Healy to Seattle (mid October) SBI cargo will be offloaded and forwarded as specified by the investigators.

The offloading will commence after the crew has had a week off, so special arrangements should be made for items that are urgently needed for follow-on projects.

Prior to disembarking in Nome on August 22, the investigators will be required to prepare and label their cargo for dispatching to a freight-forwarder once it gets off-loaded in Seattle.

Nome and Barrow:
Both at Nome and Barrow cargo and personnel transfer will be by ship's helicopter or landing craft. (The Healy can't dock at either place and will be holding a few miles off the beach)

•LTJG Woodrum and Heiberg must both be notified of any such cargo that needs to be loaded as well as off loaded at either Nome or Barrow.

•Nome and Barrow sipping addresses:

Three air operators offer service to Nome and Barrow and can be found on the web
Lynden Air Cargo
Northern Air Cargo
Alaska Airlines

It is suggested that the PI contact the carrier and work out labeling and hold-for-pickup details.


Heiberg or a representative will be in Nome or Barrow during rotations.
It is therefore requested that Heiberg by e-mail be kept informed of participants traveling itineraries for Nome and Barrow.
Listed below is information on some hotels:

Top of the World Hotel, P.O. Box 189, Barrow, Alaska 99723
Tel: 907-852-3900
Fax: 907-852-6752
Rooms: 50
Price: US$ 100 - 195

King Eider Inn, 1752 Ahkovak Street, Barrow, Alaska 99723-1283
Tel: 907 852-4700
Fax: 907 852-2025
1-888-30-EIDER, Contact Brian and Leslie Watson
Price Range: 165.00 - 300.00

Tel: 907-443-2323
Fax: 907-443-5966
Rooms: 47
Price: US$ 75 - 100

Polaris Hotel, P.O. Box 741, Nome
Tel: 907 443-2000
Fax: 907443-2217
Rates: Single (shared bath) $40 +Tax, Double (private bath) $80 +Tax,
Small House $90 day, Igloo Efficiency Apts. $90 day, Max. Capacity: 35
Rooms/4 apts.

Aurora Inn & Suites, 527 FRONT STREET, NOME, AK 99762
Tel: (907) 443-3838, 800 354-4606,
Fax: (907) 443-6380
Rates: 100 - $165
Max. Capacity: 35 units