Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) Project
Logistical Information Healy cruise logistics
- HLY0402 Cruise plan - FYI: There are 11 attachments that can also be downloaded from the USCG site. HLY0403 Cruise plan - Cooper HLY0404 Cruise plan - Pickart SBI chemical list - Katherine Krogslund or Andy Heiberg will update Jackie on chemical shipments that they receive. DO NOT send the MSDS sheets to Katherine or Andy the MSDS sheets should be uploaded onto the USCG Healy website under a file name "CHEMICALS-PI". On April 9 Andy Heiberg will transport all chemicals sent to UW. At that time UW will no longer be responsible for receiving any items. SBI PI Minutes December 2003 Meeting Cruise Name/Chief Scientist/Inclusive dates of 2004 SBI Healy cruises:
HLY-04-02/Grebmeier/15 May- 23 June HLY-04-03/Cooper/18 Jul- 26 Aug HLY-04-04/Pickart/2 Sep- 1 Oct
"Due to security reasons, please contact the SBI Project Office for other cruise sailing dates". All the necessary cruise planning forms are linked to the following web site: http://www.uscg.mil/pacarea/iceops/aws04/forms.htm. Once the draft cruise plan is complete, it will be posted to this site and you will be emailed so you can access it for sending back comments to Jackie. Since draft forms are now due to USCG by March 15, 2004 for all cruises, please email Jackie jgrebmei@utk.edu any updates on participants, cargo weights (based on previous cruises for now,), specific equipment to be supplied by the USCG (if different than 2002), etc.
Medical form In lieu of emailing the form, each member can mail a hard copy to Healy, however the deadline is for Healy to receive the form before the April 30, 2004 departure from Seattle. Mail address: Medical Officer Completed forms need to be received 30 days before the start date of the cruise. It is strongly recommended that you get an acknowledgment after sending the form. It is not unknown for them to get misplaced or lost in transit (post and email). Please, be sure that you bring a hard copy of the completed form with you when you arrive at the ship in the off chance that they can't find it when you get there. Science shipments to Healy It is required that any and all shipments to Healy be documented on the Healy Science Shipment Tracking web site. Please inform your science party to submit these forms as far in advance as possible. Shipment information can be updated after the form is initially submitted. Times have changed and much closer attention is being paid to items loaded onto the ship. Shipments that arrive without being entered in the tracking system will not be loaded. Radiations safety forms need to be submitted no later than March 15, 2004 for the spring SBI cruise. Please download the word file from the link above and email, the completed form to Dforcucci@pacnorwest.uscg.mil. If you have questions about the USCG requirements for items 4a-c, please contact Dave Forcucci directly: 206-217-6648 phone, 206-390-5932 cell. 206-217-6878 fax, email: DForcucci@pacnorwest.uscg.mil |