International Arctic Science Committee - IASC



      Webpage for United States delegate Jackie Grebmeier
Purpose: To inform the U.S. scientific community about research coordination activities of IASC and efforts to promote U.S. arctic research in coordination with other countries in the Arctic, including providing opportunities for research scientists to contribute to those international science planning activities



IASC was founded in 1990 as a nongovernmental, international organization with the mission of encouraging, facilitating, and promoting the full range of basic and applied research in the Arctic, "encouraging cooperation and integration of human, social, and natural sciences concerned with the Arctic at a circumarctic or international level and providing scientific advice on arctic issues." The IASC Secretariat is based in Potsdam, Germany. IASC is a scientific associate of the International Council for Science and has observer status with the Arctic Council, a high-level forum for cooperation, coordination and interaction among the eight Arctic states, as well as indigenous communities and other Arctic residents. U.S. participation in IASC is coordinated by the Polar Research Board, a unit of the U.S. National Academy of Science.

2 Regional initiatives under IASC include PAG and ISIRA  

The Pacific Arctic Group (PAG) is a group of institutes and individuals having a Pacific perspective on Arctic science. Organized under IASC, the PAG has as its mission to serve as a Pacific Arctic regional partnership to plan, coordinate, and collaborate on science activities of mutual interest. The four PAG principle science themes are climate, contaminants, human dimensions and structure and function of Arctic ecosystems.

Flag of FranceFlag of GermanyFlag of ItalyFlag of JapanFlag of The NetherlandsFlag of Poland Flag of SwitzerlandFlag of United Kingdom
IASC Council Members:19 nations, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland,  Russia, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and U.S.A.

Dr. Grebmeier is a Research Professor at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. Her research interests include pelagic-benthic coupling, benthic carbon cycling, and benthic faunal population structure in the marine environment; understanding how water column processes influence biological productivity in Arctic waters and sediments, and how materials are exchanged between the sea bed and overlying waters; and documenting longer-term trends in ecosystem health of Arctic continental shelves. Over the last 25 years, she has participated on nearly 40 oceanographic expeditions on both U.S. and international vessels. She is a member of the Polar Research Board, served formerly as a member of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission, and has contributed to coordinated international and national science planni
ng efforts such as the International Polar Year and Shelf-Basin Interactions project.


Dr. Grebmeier's goals during her 6-year term as US delegate is to build upon past efforts and to improve and increase US participation and understanding of IASC activities. She currently serves as one of four vice-Presidents of IASC and is a member of the IASC Executive Committee.

Download Information on 2009-2010 IASC maetings and Other Updates (Adobe .pdf files)

IASC in Transition brochure

IASC 2009-2010 Arctic Science Week Programme

State of the Arctic Meeting

IASC Progress Report, Fall 2009

IASC Bulletin (draft)


IASC Structure

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Jackie Grebmeier
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Solomons MD 20688, USA

phone: +1-410-326-7334